I'm sick and tired of this Feminist movement. It's complete bullshit.
It is bad enough that there's some mentally challenged people in high authoritative positions who run to cult-groups to demonstrate their fictional power-trips.
I've had some really problematic managers who were female. I quit a job once because she kept lifting her leg up, like a toy-dog, and marking her territory. This treasure troll was a Nazi/communist/nut-case/power-ranger; a ranting lunatic, liberal (who never had any other job, other that a hand-me-down position given to her by nepotism), like a super-villain who finally made me snap at her barking; every magical meeting, telling me how bad I was; I had enough.
What the hell?
I'm no patsy!! Anti-male environment huh?
No one is going to talk down to me. That barking toy-dog never treated her female co-workers poorly? Why did she flirt with underage boys? Why get rid of males?
After hearing several friends tell me about her blackmail, political prowess, I laughed. She definitely has the power between her legs---- perhaps it's no long a strap-on, but the real thing.
Women shouldn't be men. Men shouldn't women. In business, it's not about who bullshits you, or buys you food, but that all employees are put into a fucked up position where everyone eventually loses, big-time. Either sex doesn't do a job better. Both males and females are fools to believe that they are superior; it's funny though when they pay tax, and when they scramble to keep their low paying jobs while being over-worked by companies that jizz on their faces.