Thursday, December 27, 2012

Feminism is Bullshit.

I'm sick and tired of this Feminist movement. It's complete bullshit.

 It is bad enough that there's some mentally challenged people in high authoritative positions who run to cult-groups to demonstrate their fictional power-trips.


I've had some really problematic managers who were female. I quit a job once because she kept lifting her leg up, like a toy-dog, and marking her territory. This treasure troll was a Nazi/communist/nut-case/power-ranger; a ranting lunatic, liberal (who never had any other job, other that a hand-me-down position given to her by nepotism), like a super-villain who finally made me snap at her barking; every magical meeting, telling me how bad I was; I had enough.

What the hell?

I'm no patsy!! Anti-male environment huh?

No one is going to talk down to me. That barking toy-dog never treated her female co-workers poorly? Why did she flirt with underage boys? Why get rid of males?

After hearing several friends tell me about her blackmail, political prowess, I laughed. She definitely has the power between her legs---- perhaps it's no long a strap-on, but the real thing.

Women shouldn't be men. Men shouldn't women. In business, it's not about who bullshits you, or buys you food, but that all employees are put into a fucked up position where everyone eventually loses, big-time. Either sex doesn't do a job better. Both males and females are fools to believe that they are superior; it's funny though when they pay tax, and when they scramble to keep their low paying jobs while being over-worked by companies that jizz on their faces.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your assessment. Furthermore, one of the things I dislike about the feminist branding is the tyranny with which it is imposed on the masses. It is impossible to discuss the material as grown-ups with these women because they automatically dismiss one as morons for the slight divergence of opinion. Personally, I find many of its tenets questionable, and any ideology that suppresses questions, whether by force or psychological manipulation, is unpalatable. Anything that reeks of majority tyranny is poison to the intellect.

    Another tackier aspect of feminism I dislike is hearing these women brag about how strong and independent they are. The truth is that they are only regurgitating a thought-terminating chant that has become popularized by pop psychology and post-feminism. True strength and independence simply are, and do not need to flaunt themselves. Furthermore, accepting society's definition of what it is to be a "strong and independent woman" (to have a job or a bs position?) makes the individual even less so.

    The feminist movement was a Pyrrhic victory, I am afraid. We traded so much in exchange of being able to prove a point. We are still women, so we're expected to be ladylike and look good for the men (or one's man, for those who are taken); however, since we want to prove that we are equal to men, we also have to work hard and think like they do. It is no wonder men have become so effeminate and powerless in corporate. We have st ripped them of their nature by trying to put on a facade that we are supernatural humans who can be both male and female. Because so many pull off the act, all women are expected to follow in this madness to have competitive edge in the dating world. Thankfully not ALL men from the modern world are feminists.

    Women need to be realistic in dating too. Instead of demanding textbook definitions of what the ideal man ought to be, we should choose the one we love, love the one we choose, and accept them in all their perfectly imperfect human glory. Because as much as feminists will tell you otherwise, women are NOT perfect. We are in the frail human condition, and we all need love and one's other half.
