Men are not Gods
The God El, for centuries has been glorified, for men is obsessed with devils, evil, and Satan. Let us understand
To be Republican, means that you are a worshiper of the "SUN." "Re" means, the SUN god. For centuries, the centurions of nations, have been seduced through a chronological separation of standing under the perspective of etymology. The word Century, doesn't mean 100 years. In the ancient days, the term hundred meant "120", But Decimal is the true understanding of the 100=long hundred. For 120 X the number of years. In this day, I think it is important to consider that the children of the light (Lucifer: The angel (angle or Ang of El/ the part of the great bull) of the light bearer is uses the rays (of Rhea/ Sun/ Ra) to show the way of the great animal wheel (zodiac= the animation of the EL). Remember that the Yahweh god is the same as Lucifer, because they are the SUN and the Moon, the UNISON of reflection. Uni, means one, and Son is in reference to SUN. The UNI SON. The unison. Together they bring death and life, darkness and light, shade and illumination. The Demos "are the people", who are ruled under a "Cracy". Demos is a shade, and the dark. The democrats are the children of the Moon. They are the children (children means The Kin's shield).
Understand that democrats and republicans are always creating drama. They always fool the public; both parties know, people stupid; people fall victim to the two lesser evils. The democrats and republicans are part of the pyramid scheme.
The pyramid scheme has always been the 13 steps to the line of air, whence we see the eye of President Wilson who brought one and all to fight the first World War. The political parties are the "corn"er stones of the masons (builders and worshipers of the male penis), and they, members of congress (sex), resided inside a vagina (room that is shaped like the canal) The purpose of the pyramid scheme is Gold, Oil, and Drugs.
The people of power care nothing for the good of humanity but how many toys they can acquire in the oligarch's game of monopoly.
The purpose is to never help peasants. The purpose is to live the high life--- living like criminals, and having their secret parties where they have saturnalia ceremonies and sacrificial rites. Their gods always : Molech, Ba'al, El, and Saturn. Molech is the owl (knowledge). Ba'al is the Sun and light. El is the title for the Bull. And Saturn is the god of death and time. Their symbols are : Knowledge, Illumination, Power, and Life/Death (Time). The higher a person is in a corporation, the more evil and corrupted he or she is. This is why most of the highest people in banking are assholes, who give bullshit to everyone; they are the assholes who shit out the fecal matter of the bull god EL. The bankers love their bull market (a festival of El: The Bull God). The pope is a "father Bull.") Remember, Dios or Zeus is dualistic.

Jesus is the sacrificial lamb for El, and El is the two "bulls". The DEUS is "a division of light and darkness. Your GOD is the balance of Satan (saturn: The Titan Chronos), and Yahveh (the Bull God who is nothing more than the god, EL: The bull). People in government worship the "bulls penis". Look at the Obelisk. Look at the Vatican: It is a representation of a female womb, where an obelisk stands in the center. Sex is the ancient magic of the Bull god(s), EL.
This is all so compelling to read, and as magical as the esoteric etymology you present. It's good to still have people who research the seemingly forgotten ancient past and inform the mainstream audiences about that which is hidden.
ReplyDeleteLol, it's funny that the Vatican is shaped like a vagina. By the way, you and I should have congress. ;)